Thursday, December 18, 2014

I week, S week and Holidays

I week
In math we were talking about numbers lines. We looked at how they were like number tracks, except each number goes under a line instead of in a box. They aer really good about putting the numbers in order, even if they aren't given the first few numbers! 

Our class was the box top winner for November! Thanks for sending in box tops to help out our school. We got this cool trophy to keep in our classroom!

In math we began learning about addition. In the math journal activity they pulled out a domino and drew it. Then they counted how many dots on  ones side and how many on the other. Then they counted how many altogether!

We have been incorporating ipads into our learning rotations. This app was working on sounding out words and putting the right letters in the boxes.

This math journal is like the addition one with the dominoes, except this time they rolled a die.They drew the dots and then rolled again and drew the dots. Then they counted how many altogether.  

We are also working on the teen numbers. We want them to notice that there is one group of ten and some more ones. We worked a lot with manipulatives and pictures to count out the group of ten, then see how many more ones there are. This helps deepen their understanding of how teen numbers work.

At the end of the week we graphed our favorite ice cream. We all had so many different favorites, so I picked three choices and they picked their favorite from those. Strawberry won in our class!

S week
This was an addition game we were playing on the Promethean board. They put the number of balls in each box and then could count how many they had altogether!

We worked on our sight words as well. They had to roll the die, write the word above the number they rolled, then read the word. This is something you can do at home with any of the sight words and a die!

More math journals, using blocks to find how many when they count them all up.

This was our first subtraction problem in our math journals. They had six round disk, they picked up a few, which they crossed off on the their papers. Then they wrote how many they had left.

In our word study books this week they had to not only think up words themselves, but sound them out by themselves. Some kids were afraid of spelling things wrong. I told them just to write the sounds that they hear. That is the beginning step to learning how to spell. That's also why I encourage it in homework.

Above is a snake and below is me!

This picture is from a book we read for S week called Silly Sally.

We talked a lot about different strategies you can use to solve and addition problem. The students helped me think up ideas and we wrote them down. We came up with write the number sentence, or equation, draw a picture, use blocks, and use our fingers. We did examples with all of them so they would get used to them. I told them to use the ones that make sense to them and that sometimes some will be easier than others.

Our third grade buddies came and read with us. They read non fiction books to the kindergartners. then they worked together to draw a picture and write a sentence about what they learned.

In our journals we used our sight words of little and are this week. We wrote about the little snowmen. Then the students had to finish the sentence by sounding out the words by themselves.

The one above says the little snowmen are melted. Below it says the little snowmen are snow.

The one above says the little snowmen are having a snowball fight. And below says the little snowmen are petting the cat. I was so impressed by their sounding out their words! Way to go kindergartners!

We did some math problems together. I would read them a word problem, then they would solve it how it made sense to them. The one above was 2+2=4 and below is 3 cars + 2 cars = 5 cars.

Holiday week
We started the week talking about wants vs. needs. They are moving things onto a boat that a person would need to live on an island. It created many great conversations about what we need.

This one they put needs in one box and wants in the other. Again, we talked about how ice cream is food, but not one our body may need!

We also started our 5 senses unit. We talked about what the 5 senses are and what we do with them. then we closed our eyes and imagined Christmas. We then talked about what we could smell, see, etc. and put it on our chart. They then used those words to create their Christmas poem.

We read The Gingerbread Man in class. The kids loved saying you can't catch me! Then we thought up words that rhyme with man.

We then wrote a sentence about who their favorite character in the book was.

After writing the sentence, we went around the room to see who everyone liked in the book. We put that on a graph to see which character was our class favorite. I was surprised that the fox won since he eats the gingerbread man!

Polar Express
The kids always get so excited about the Polar Express. They all receive their own golden ticket to go on the polar express. Then we make a train (even with the sounds) and we go through the hall on a journey to get our ticket punched.

Once they get there, the ticker gets punched with a special punch.

They are all showing that they got their tickets punched.

Then we get  to watch someone read the book over the screen. All the kindergartens classes go on the Polar Express together.

After the book we got a special delivery from the North Pole! The bells were delivered from Santa and they were still cold!

They were excited about their cold bells!

Then we had hot chocolate and donuts to celebrate our great adventure together!

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