Friday, March 20, 2015

E week, Y week and D week

During circle we have been working on a sentence of the day. Here is a student working on fixing the errors he found in the sentence.

For Dr. Seuss' birthday we did some fun activities. We did a word family hat with -at words. They thought them up themselves! Then we made our own ABC book for each letter of the alphabet.

Pig for our letter P page.

Our letter R page had rabbit, rhino, and rain!

We worked a lot with teen numbers. Understanding that a teen number has a group of ten and some more ones. We also drew a ten stick and some more ones and put the number on a ten frame.

With out 3rd grade buddies we made oobleck. It's from a Dr. Seuss book.
The kids had a great time! Thank goodness for our 3rd grade buddies and their help!

We read Elmer which is a book about a patchwork elephant. We talked about how he is different, but that was what made him special. Then we compared Elmer to a real elephant on a Venn diagram.

They got to use sight words to write their own sentence in their journals.

We practice position words with our bunny book. We read it together and then drew pictures to match what the words said.

Decomposing numbers is something we work on all year long. Here they worked with a partner and picked a number 6-10. Then they had to think up different ways to decompose, or break apart, that number. They also used blocks so they could visually see how the number was broken up.

We did a letter scavenger hunt around the room. They were to try and find each letter of the alphabet in a word around the room. Then they wrote the word on their paper and underlined the letter they were looking for. Here a student is showing me where she found a B.

We painted rainbows for our St. Patrick's Day art project. They took their time and did a great job.

Here is an online activity we did in class on putting numbers in the correct order.

This math journal was on adding a group of flowers together. I took a pictures of a few different ways they solved it. They can draw a picture, write a number sentence,  use a number line or their fingers.

 This dinosaur puzzle helped them work on putting their teen numbers in order!

This is the finished St. Patrick's Day project. They also wrote about why they are lucky!

On St. Patrick's Day we had a leprechaun come to our room over night. They kids were excited to see what a mess he made! He left everyone a shamrock.

We did some writing to say who means more to us than gold. They thought up some cute ideas!

We also wrote descriptive words about leprechauns and where they thought he would hide his gold. These three say he will hide it under my deck, my bed, and my beard.  They are so creative!

We started our shapes unit in Math. The first lesson we talked about how a shape has lines and corners. Then we did this sort to show shapes with straight lines and shapes with curved lines. Notice they put the shapes with both in the middle!
They also worked on building shapes on the Ipad.
Our Meet the Masters art program went well. Thanks again to Sydney's mom for coming in to teach it to us. They learned about bamboo and the how to paint it. They learned new techniques for holding their brush and painting with a toothpick. This art work will be displayed at our cultural art walk in May!


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