Friday, May 8, 2015

Letter Q week and long vowels

Letter Q Week

The students all worked so hard on all their presents for their moms. You can see he is paying attention to every detail!

We spent some time practicing reading with a buddy. It was great to see them get so excited about sounding out words and reading books. I even saw some giving each other high fives when they were done because they were so proud!

We made a class quilt for Q week. Each student got a letter to focus on and we put them all together to make the quilt. 

I was so proud at how amazing they are do in math that I wanted to show some examples. They are doing so well at using the strategy that makes sense to them to solve the problem. 

We have been working on living and non-living for our Science unit. Here they are sorting items into the correct category and we are having discussions about what we all think. 

We also started out measurement unit in math. They were to find one thing longer than their pencil and one thing shorter. Here are just a few of the examples of what they found. 

We read this book which has student written pages. They talk about what they believe is the best part of them. Then we worked with buddies and they wrote about what they thought was the best part of them. The kids thought up some great ideas! I posted a few examples for you to take a look at. 

The students are working together as table to put the cards in alphabetical order. 

For Cinco De Mayo we learned the Mexican Hat Dance. The kids had a blast. 

We also worked on our cultural art for the art walk. We made Mexican art bark paintings. We looked at some examples and talked about what we thought it should include based on those examples. They decided it should have birds, lots of color and a boarder. 

Sorry these pictures are sideways! Each student got a different picture to put on their paper. Then we went through the questions to help decide of their object was living or non-living. 

We worked together as a class on gathering information from a book. We read a book on monkeys together. Then we talked about the information we gained from that book. We put that information where we felt it belonged on our chart. This should help them  when we get ready to do our animal reports next week. 

At centers this week we did lots of fun activities. The students used the letter magnets to sound out words with a partner. 

I had a group at a time and we worked on reading book and sounding out the words. 

On the Ipads they played an app that worked on sight words. 

We also did another type of art. We look at examples of Panama Mola art. They noticed the animal in the middle and that they didn't color it in, but used lines of color. They also noticed they used shapes and lines to fill in the outside of the picture as well. 

Image result for panamanian art 

Below are some examples of the self portraits and mother portraits we made for Mother's Day. The kids worked so hard to create things for their moms. 

Thank you so much to all the  moms and grandmas who made it for our program today. I hope you all had a wonderful time.  If you couldn't make it, your child will be more than happy to sing you songs at home tonight! Being a mom is a tough job and thank you all for the wonderful kids you have raised for my class. 

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