Monday, June 1, 2015

End of the year!

 Here we were working on the digraph ck. They were marking the vowel short and underlining the digraph. 

We made shapes on our boards using rubber bands. It was a great way for them to work on sides and vertices. 

We also worked on making pictures using the shape blocks. The students loved it!

For our school art walk we made Mexican bark art. Here is our class display in the hall. 

Here is our Panamanian molas we made as well.

In art they made these fish that hung in the hall for the art walk. 

These are the bamboo art that we made for our meet the masters art program at school. Thanks to Sydney's mom for helping us with these. 

We also got to decorate the front walkway for all the visitors. 

Our big end of the year project is our animal report. We took the information they did in their homework paper and turned it into a paragraph. Then I edited them, and they wrote a final draft. It's a lot of work, but they did an excellent job!

We did a lot of counting practice and writing of numbers. They are doing so well at this!

Here is our class picture from our graduation power point!

We wrote in our journals about the best thing they learned in kindergarten. 

This person learned to write. 

This person learned many things about friendship. 

They learned games, writing, and all sorts of stuff!

Here we are on the bus heading to the zoo! They were so excited to go on a field trip. A huge thank you to all the parent helpers who made the trip possible!

Here are some pictures from our field day. The kids had a blast! The kids would love to tell you how each game worked. 

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