Tuesday, November 24, 2015

P week, A week, N week, Thanksgiving

Letter P Week
We had a policeman and his drug dog join us for P week. He talked about what their job is and how they keep our community safe. The kids loved meeting them an getting to ask questions. It's always nice to have people from our community to come in and share.
These next pictures show an amazing decomposing lesson we did with dominoes. We looked at the numbers on each side of the domino and showed how they decomposed the total onto two sides. The kids moved the domino to the correct number and we wrote how is was decomposed.

Then I wrote numbers on the tables and they got to pick a domino and put it on the table that showed how many dots it had.

The few pictures below show the students counting  the dots.

Our last step was to look at the dominoes on each table and see the different ways each number was decomposed. Then we drew the dominoes on our paper to show the different ways. The kids did an amazing job.
In math we have been working on more and less. We did this sheet so the graphing could help them visually see which one was more and less. We colored the number that was more red and the number that was less blue.

The was an activity that goes along with the number tracks we have been working on. The student rolled a die and wrote the number they rolled in the middle box. They could then use the number track to find the number before and the number after the number in their box.

Here is a students word study book showing their sounding out words that start with P.

We had a wonderful time at our Halloween party. The kids all looked great in their costumes!

At one of our stations, the students got to roll a monster. They rolled the die and it told them what part of the body to add. They turned out cute.

They also did a center where they decorated their own cookie!

They got to play Halloween bingo.

They also made a skeleton out of q tips. Some were very creative!

Thank you to everyone who came and helped it. It wouldn't be possible to do all the fun things we do with out all of you!

Letter A Week
We started A week with an activity from the week before. The students homework was to make a puppet. They then used those puppets for a puppet show. They worked with the kids at their table to come up with a way to use their puppets to teach a rule. After each puppet show we talked about what rule they were teaching. The kids did a great job working together in groups and listening to others ideas. Below are pictures of each groups puppets during their show.


This is another decomposing activity we did using red and yellow chips. They would put five in the cup and dump them out. They would show what they decomposed five into by showing how many yellow and how many red.
We  finally started doing centers! This is where the students get to rotate through each station and spend about 15 minutes at each one.  This station was working on counting,. They had to put the right number of blocks on each star to match the number in it.

They did a station that used the ipads. They LOVE to use the ipads. This time they were doing Dreambox.

They used the magnetic letters to sound out words. They thought up some great words at this station!

We finished the week by writing in our journals. We used the sight words we and have, then they added an a word at the end that they sounded out.

Letter N Week
This activity was working with 10 frames. They would pick a card and put that many chips on their 10 frame.


This activity was decomposing 5. It was a word problem I read to them and they worked it out on their own. There were 5 fish in a pond. Some were red and some were blue. What different combinations of fish could there be?

This was a sheet we did at stations. We talked about how name started with N. Then they drew their name, figured out how many letters, and drew other things that started with the same letter as their name.

This activity at stations practice more and less. They picked a number and made a group that was more and a group that was less than that number.

This student sounded out night time in their word study journal. It's great to see how much they are growing!

We worked on comprehension and putting events from a story in order. We read The Napping House and put the characters from the story in order on the bed., They did an excellent job.

Thanksgiving Week
I will admit I did not get enough pictures of all the great things that happened this week. We made those wonderful poem place mats and all the hats and I forgot to take pictures of them.
Below is a decomposing 10 activity I gave them in a word problem. I told them I saw 10 wheels in a bike shop window. We talked about the different types of things they sell at the bike shop and how many wheels each one had. Then they got to pick how they think I saw 10 wheels.  Below are some examples. I was so impressed with how many ways they could make 10! 

We made a tree about turkeys. We talked about what we know about turkeys and figured out where it would go on our tree. They had some amazing ideas!

This was a counting activity. They drew the right amount of seeds in each pumpkin. Then they switched with another student to check and make sure they had the right amount. It gave them lots of great counting practice.

For this activity they got to roll a die. The number they rolled was how many feathers they got to draw on their turkey.  

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