Saturday, October 24, 2015

Seasons week, H week and T week

Seasons week
This was a math journal we worked on about making a number that was one more. The students would roll a die and make that many dots with their pencil. Then they would add one more dot with a crayon and count how many they had with one more and write that number.

We made a tree for each of the four seasons. The students traced their hand and arm for the trunk. Then they decorated the tree to match what happened during that season. They turned out great!

We also did a fall art project using shaving cream and liquid watercolor. They turned out beautiful. We hung them in the hall display case for the school to see.

This picture shows another math journal we did. This one was about seeing eight legs at the zoo, what could they belong to? The first picture is an octopus.

This one started with a giraffe, then we had the discussion about how many legs would it have. How many more would we need to get to 8?

Below shows some of the different combinations of 8 legs that the kids shared.

The students each made number cards one through 5. We worked on mixing them up and putting them in order. We also used them to practice counting forward and backward.

H week
This was a decomposing activity. By being able to color them, they were able to see the different combinations they made. We then shared them to see the similarities and differences.
The students are starting to sound out their own words in their journals! It's incredible to see them start using the skills we have been working on! Below the student sounded out hammer and hamburger!

This student sounded out hammer and heart all by their self.

Here we were working as a class on decomposing five. The students used their fingers to figure out different ways to make five, then we shared them all.

We made a fall art project that we connected with a writing project. These are some examples of the pumpkins they students drew and painted.

Then we had a class discussion about how we could describe a pumpkin. I wrote down all the words the students came up with. Then I read the words to them and they got to pick the words they liked best to fit into their pumpkin poems.
Below are a few examples of the pumpkin poems they wrote.

We talked about Christopher Columbus on Columbus Day. We talked about the journey he made and the land he discovered. Then we filled out the writing below and drew a picture of him on his voyage.
We work a lot with number tracks. These are a lot like number lines, except each number has it's own box so it's a easier to see. I started by giving the students a starting number and seeing if they could fill in the boxes with the correct numbers.

Then we started with a number other than one to show them that a number track can start at any number, but still has to go in order. Then it got more difficult by giving them a number a few spots in the see if they could fill numbers before a given number as well as after.

T week
The students again started sounding out their own words in their word study journal. This student sounded out time and team all by herself.

This student sounded out tummy and teacher.

We worked some more with our ten frames. We had lots of discussions about how their were five on the top so we didn't have to always count them. Then we looked at counting on if the number was more than 5 so we didn't have to count the 5 again.

This week in their journal I started the sentence with sight words, then they had to finish by sounding out a word that started with our letter of the week. They did a fabulous job!

We have sight word songs we sing in class that help us spell out sight words. As we sing the songs, we practice writing the sight words on our boards.

We made cute turtles for our letter T art project.

This math journal was about seeing 10 legs when we were at grandma's house. This is a real life situation that practices decomposing 10. Below is a spider and grandma.

This one is a dog and three people.

This one is 5 people at grandma's house.

We also talked a lot about maps this week. We looked at many different kinds of maps and talked about how they were the same and different. Then the students drew a map of our classroom.

We talked a lot about more and less this week. This student is showing me blocks that have the same as five.

This one was showing less than five. We talked about how you could tell by counting and sometimes by just looking at it.

This one was showing a number more than a given number.

More sight word practice!
I wanted to show everyone how we are expanding our circle time activities. We added a number track where the students take turns filling in the numbers. They also have to explain how they knew what number goes there. That is a deeper level thinking question, but they are getting pretty good at it!

We also decompose a different number every day during circle time.

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