Friday, September 19, 2014

L week and O week

L week
We practiced our numbers by counting out the amount of blocks of the number I called. then they wrote the number that represented how many blocks. the kids did such an amazing job.

They had good conversations about how they has four so to get to 6 they had to count two more. We call this counting on. I haven't taught this strategy yet, but I heard some of them using it already! Others started counting back at one and counted up to 6. Either way is great!


We also worked on number recognition by rolling dice and counting the number of dots on the dice. Then they had to find the number on their paper and trace the number they rolled.

We started our word study books this week! As a class we thought up "L" words and drew pictures and wrote the word in our book. I am still helping them write the words, they will get to the point where they are sounding them out on their own.

This math page just gave them practice on writing numbers and showing how to represent those numbers with a  picture.

We did "magic writing" for our parents for back to school night. They wrote their name in white crayon and painted over it with water color. I wish you could have heard the reactions when the names started to appear!!! They loved it!

To finish off "L" week we made ladybugs. They had to count the number of spots they put on their lady bug and write that number on their paper. Here's an example of 6 and 23 spots!

O week

We spent a lot of time this week. Working on how a number can be shown or represented. We wrote the numerical form, learned about a ten frame, and drew that amount of pictures. We did all these for numbers 1-10. They did such a great job!

We made an octopus for letter O. We talked about how they have 8 legs or tentacles. Then they drew 10 "suction cups" on each leg. It turned out to be great for our counting skills too! 

Theses are the "O" words the students thought of for their word study books. They thought of them all by themselves. They are quick to point out that my art skills could use some improvement!

This is the kids doing jumping jacks for each letter of the alphabet. They love to get up and move. We also did lettersize where they go up, down or middle, depending on if the letter is tall, small, or hangs below the line!

For science we talked about what happens to the trees during each season. then they drew a tree for each season.

Our social studies unit on rules is one of my favorites. We talk about different examples of rules, who has to follow rules, and why do we think there are rules. They come up with some great, and funny, examples! Here are just a few. The top one is not to run on the blacktop because you could fall and get scratched. The one below says no jumping off the playground because you may get hurt!

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