Friday, October 3, 2014

G week and H week

G week

In our word study books we wrote many great words that started with G. The kid's pictures usually turn out better than mine!
For our art project we made gumball machines. They had to count the number of gumballs in their machine also and write it at the bottom. They did a fantastic job!

This is a math lesson we have been working on called missing partners. The kids have 5 blocks, then they show how they can break up in to missing partners (3 and 2, 4 and 1, 5 and 0) The kids did a great job. This is something we will work on a trimester long!

For Science we talked about what kids of clothes they wear during each season.

THIRD GRADE BUDDIES! The kids got to meet their buddies and fill out a book together about each other! They had such a great time! We will be meeting with them a few times a month to read and do activities about the books!

For journals we wrote about I like to go to... some wrote school and some wrote the park.

Technology in our room

Here aer some pictures of the kids using the ipads in our room. They LOVE them. They have been working on tracing lowercase and capital letters to help them get familiar with the Ipads.

This is our Promethian Board we have in class. The kids love to do starfall on it during snack time. Here they are putting numbers in order on the train track.

H Week
We started talking about syllables in words. We clapped how many groups of sound we heard and colored that many hearts in. We also talked about heart starting with H.  

We made our first human number line!! The kids each got a number and had to find where their spot would be. They talked to each other a lot about what number they might stand by and who was missing by them. It was awesome!

The kids also spent time practicing their ABC's on white boards. We did capital and lowercase letters.

I was so impressed with the H words they came up with for their word study books. I also gave them the option of thinking up more of their own words that we didn't draw and they could put them in their book. then I would help them sound them out. they thought up hamburger, high, hair, ham, and many others all by themselves!
This is one of our fall art projects. The kids got to mix liquid watercolor on the shaving cream. Then they swirled it around and we pushed the paper into the shaving cream. After we scraped off the shaving cream it left the pretty swirls of water color! So much fun!!!


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