Friday, October 17, 2014

Seasons week and Letter T

Math journals
We started something new in our class last week called math journals. It gives the students a chance to interact with numbers in a different way using different manipulatives. Every day they get a sticker with the directions that they put at the top of their journal page. We read the label together and decide what it's asking us to do. Then they get some time to do the activity and draw it in their journals.

This was one of the first ones we did. They got a cup with blocks in it. They had to count the blocks then draw their blocks in the cup and write the number.

We have also been working on ways to decompose a number. That basically means the different ways you can make a number. Here we are working on number 4. they used the red and yellow sides of the chips to see how many different ways they could make four. Then we removed the chips and colored the boxes and wrote how many red and yellow we had.

Here is another math journal entry writing how many blocks they pulled out of their cup.

This was an alphabet activity we did as a group. I started with A and rolled it to someone who had to say the next letter. They loved it!

This math journal was rolling a die, then building a tower of blocks to make the number they rolled. Then they drew their tower and wrote how many were in their tower.

This was another decomposing  activity we did. They all got a group of dominoes and how to put the dominoes on the table that matched how many dots they had 1-5. Then we looked at the different ways the numbers were made. For example 3 was 3 and 0, 1 and 2, or 2 and 1 and 0 and 3. They loved it and did such a great job.

This is us looking at the ways the numbers were made.

For our word study books they had to think of at least one new word by themselves that we didn't think of as a group. Here is an example of someone sounding out the word two! I was so excited to see them try it for themselves!

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