Friday, October 31, 2014

P week and A week

Letter P week
In their math journal they were rolling a die and recording the number on a ten frame. Then they were drawing what that number looked like on their ten frame. This helps build a deeper understanding of how to represent a number.

This math journal entry was taking our their number cards, putting them in order, and drawing a representation of that number. They did a great job.

This was out human number track. We started with a number in the middle. Then we slowly added each number to the number track. We talked about where they would go based on which number is was before or after. They did an awesome job!

After our human number track with sis this sheet of numbers that come before and after. They did a great job!
This math journal entry is my favorite so far! It talks about visiting the zoo and seeing eight legs, what could those legs belong to? We got lots of answers, but I put a few for you to see! Above is one spider with 8 legs. Below is a zebra and hippo, each with 4 legs. The last one is 4 penguins. They got to see all the ways to make 8!

This next math entry was similar to the animal in the zoo, except it was 10 legs at Grandma's house. The first picture is 5 people with two legs. The second picture is 3 people and a dog. The last picture is grandma and a spider (so creative!) This was teaching them ways to make 10.

To end our week of letter P we had a puppet show. Thanks for working so hard on those at home, the kids were so excited to share them. They worked in groups to use their puppets to teach a lesson on rules to the class. This also went along with our Social Studies unit on rules and why they are important. Below are some pictures from our puppet shows.

Letter A week

For letter A we talked about animals. We also worked on our writing goal of being able to tell an opinion by saying what they wanted to be and why. They turned out great!

We are doing a lot of practice with counting. They are counting blocks and writing the number to reinforce that number sense and show how to represent a number.

We did a fun Halloween project with shapes. We made each part of the witches body a shape and talked about what shapes made sense to make it. they turned out great!

This went with P week, but got put here! We looked at a lot of pumpkins. We talked about what we noticed when we looked at them. Then we worked drew a pumpkin from our observations. We also used a lot of our descriptive words to write a poem about pumpkins. They thought up such amazing words!

For red ribbon week we had a visitor to school. This is Blitz the drug dog. the policeman explained what his job is, how he does his job and how he is rewarded.

Here is blitz using his amazing sense of smell to find something that had been hidden.

Blitz gets rewarded for his job with a ball!

They all got to pet him too if they wanted.

This sheet reinforced the capital a and lowercase a. It also worked on position words such as above, below, inside. And it used the shapes as well to know which letter to color which color. They had fun with this!

We continued our work on number tracks. At first I gave them the first number and they filled in the rest of the squares. Then I gave them a number a few from the beginning and they had to figure out what numbers came before and after.

Halloween Party!
Thanks so much to everyone who joined us and helped out! Also thanks to all who sent in items for our party! Here are some pictures of the fun stations we got to do at our party.


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