Thursday, February 12, 2015

U week and Z week

U week

 For our all about me unit the students each made a family tree. They either drew pictures, sounded out names, or both on their leaves. They turned out great! 

Above we are playing a new game. This is where we pick a CVC (consonant, vowel , consonant) word such as cat. Then the first group stands up and says the first sound, second group says second sound and last group says the last sound. Then we blend the sounds together to make them word and talk about how we would spell it. They loved it!

We have a friend from the bank that comes in and teaches our class through the Junior Achievement program. Here she read a story about how a little girl sold book marks to make money. Then they got to rub off the book marks to see what coins were underneath and do rubbings over coins. It was fun!

We also started doing more stations in class. This first one is a station where they can now draw pictures and sound out the words in their word study books.

Here they are reading books and playing math addition games on the ipads.

This center they are reading beginning books together. It's great to see how excited they get when they are reading books! I also had a teacher table where I was reading them story problems and we were working through them.

In Social Studies we talked about how we are all different. We talked about how there are special things about each of us. Then they wrote how they were special and how a friends was special. The one below is I am special because I am fun. My friend is special because she's my buddy.

I am special because I let my mom sleep. My friend is special because she's nice.

In this activity we were listening for the vowel sounds in words and writing them down. they not only had to hear the sounds in the words, they also had to know what vowels are and pull those sounds out! They did an amazing job!

Z Week

The students worked with a partner to count and graph how many of each animal were in the zoo. then we talked about which had the most and least in the zoo.

We practiced sounding out our words a lot this week. Then we found a picture to match the word and glued them next to each other. they are getting more and more confident in their reading.

This was the beginning, middle, and ending of a story. They used some pictures and words to tell their story.

We also talked about if they were an animal in the zoo. They sounded out the name of their animal and drew the picture. Below we have a lion, a koala, and a rattle snake. They're getting so good at hearing the sounds.  

For our journals this week we wrote about what we love, since Valentine's day is coming. They all did a great job! I posted this one to show how they are starting to add more and more details to their sentences.

100 days of school!!! We started by doing the counting to 100 Macarena! They loved it and did a great job.

Then we took their picture and used an aging app to make them look older. They loved seeing what they looked like! Then they wrote about what they thought they would do when they were 100.  I am only posting a few, but they were all great! Below they say, play with my grandson, jump rope, and be nice to others! 

We also made 100 day glasses!

Here are a few examples of the posters we got for 100 items from home.

This one is in groups of 10!

Here is the 100 snack we came up with. We mixed every one's 100 items together and all shared in the yummy snack that it created! they were excited to see all the different things that came in their snack!

We did a science experiment with 100 drops of water. We made a prediction (and talked about how that was a guess) of how much would be filled up with 100 drops of water. Most said it would fill to the top because 100 is a lot of drops. Then they actually worked with a partner to use a dropper and put 100 drops into the cup. They were so surprised that it didn't fill it up very much. We talked about how this is how science works, by making predictions and testing them out!

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